OK, my schedule is finally focusing on Political Machine again. Luckily,Joe has been working on the Multiplayer part of the game for the last few weeksnow, so that's shaping up nicely. My current task is to take all the screensMr.Boyer has been working on and get them functioning within thegame. This is not fun. However, Paul is pretty knowledgeable and organized, so I think we candevelop a solid procedure to get these screens from conception (Paul) toactualization (Joe), ...
I think they've officially done it. For years, game developers have tried to make a video game that has the broadest appeal possible. While Sid Meyer tapped gold with "The Sims", and "Roller Coaster Tycoon" had a very wide appeal, I think Sony has raised the bar with their newest interactive plaything: the "Eye-Toy". THe premise is simple-attach a PS2 specific Web Cam up to your Playstation2. You and a group of friends then take turns playing a series of mini-games where your actual body mov...
A little over three months after it's engine was started ,the flash game I've been working on, "Northpole Showdown", is finally done . Well, as my associate Cari always likes to point out, you're neveractually 'done' with a game, you just stop working on it. If I had thetime, I'd love to add in other game-play elements, enemies, special attacks , andlevels....but it had a deadline, and so the project had to be wrapped up. The game was designed with old "Street Fighting" gamesin mi...
So perhaps the name wasn't the most clever, but the 3rd installment to myseries of Christmas games was designed to be a monster. Armed with anlevel editor, multiple paths to victory, and 2-player Contra style game play,"Elf Force" was going kick the crap out of my last two games - andit'd have more robots (see below). For anyone keeping tabs, however, you'll realize that Elf-Force never saw thelight of day. Engine design took priority on this one, leaving no time toget the game's cont...
It didn't take long after Stack 'n Sac was completed that I was alreadyspilling over with ideas for a sequel. I had tasted the sweet nectar ofhaving something I personally created played by thousands of people (I think thefinal download count at CNET was well over 10,000...and I would've been ecstaticat 1000!). Ideas of side-scrolling shooters with rpg elements, fullcutscenes and internet connectivity seemed only logical. I mean, I had ayear to create the game! The sky was the limit! T...
As work steadilly progresses on our newest XMas game installment, I'm going to take a look back on some of the previous game's we've whipped up (and hopefully stir up some excitement for the new game, which I hope will turn into a solid little title). My first adventure in holiday gaming, "Stack 'n Sac" was a throwback to the simpler days of interactive electronic entertainment. The premise was simple...you (Elfington) and your elderly elf buddy (Panza) were put in charge of loading ...