Published on December 27, 2003 By ScottTykoski In PC Gaming
I think they've officially done it. For years, game developers have tried to make a video game that has the broadest appeal possible. While Sid Meyer tapped gold with "The Sims", and "Roller Coaster Tycoon" had a very wide appeal, I think Sony has raised the bar with their newest interactive plaything: the "Eye-Toy".

THe premise is simple-attach a PS2 specific Web Cam up to your Playstation2. You and a group of friends then take turns playing a series of mini-games where your actual body movement is the interface for manipulating the game. Don't get me wrong, the games never get deeper than smacking around ninjas and dancing to the beat, but the gimmick of using your body to play these games makes enjoyable again and again.

It's funny, 'cause the box actually has pictures of the game being played by kids and elderly alike, but that's what makes this $50 toy so wonderful...It's instantly accessible to EVERYBODY. Now, my family only got their Eye-Toy two days ago, so perhaps it's a novelty that'll wear off in the next week. But for the time-being...Eye-Toy is going to keep my family having fun well through the Holidays.
on Dec 27, 2003
"You and a group of friends then take turns playing a series of mini-games where your actual body movement is the interface for manipulating the game."
y do i have a feeling some people are going to find um... creative uses for this feature. I am not trying to be perverted here but webcams+bodymovements=bad results