- A further look into Version 2.0 -
Published on September 19, 2008 By ScottTykoski In GalCiv Journals
Continuing our in-depth look at 2.0 brings us to the new Galaxy Setup options, as well as the Espionage changes people have been looking for. Again, as with all new things in 2.0, we aren't looking to revolutionize, just to bring these features to a natural completion before work on GCIII begins (which is still a way off, but still looming).
New Galaxy Options
As Brad (Frogboy/Draginol) pointed out in his official Preview of 2.0, we've gone in and added some options for the Placement of Special Environmental Worlds, as well as the Frequency of traditional Random Events.

When the Environmental Worlds option is cranked up, approximately 75% of the galaxy's habitable worlds will be of an Extreme class (Toxic, Aquatic, etc). This is a great way to play if you like a long, drawn out Exploration phase of the game. Placed at it's lowest setting, the galaxy will only have around 10% of habitable planets requiring special technologies to inhabit, making the Colony rush closer to Dreadlords, but keeping those technologies somewhat vital.
The Random Events setting works in a similar fashion. You can turn them off entirely, or you can set them to happen around 4 times more frequently. This results in a fairly hectic game, where you're never quite sure of your galactic footing.
Changed back in the first 'Dark Avatar' expansion, the new Espionage system enjoyed a love/hate relationship with the players. Some people liked the new options, allowing the placing spys to strategically disable an enemies infrastructure. Other players disliked being forced to perform blatantly offensive maneuvers to gain higher levels of intelligence on their neighbors.
The new system adds 'Empire Wide' spying option to your 'Espionage Details' screen. Here you can place permanent spys on a race, which will gather up information and raise your 'Espionage Level' and unlock more information on them. These spys ONLY gather information (passive in nature), cannot be nullified, and dictate the espionage level that you can reach.
Spys placed on planets will also gather information on a race, but at 1/3 the rate.

We've also added the ability to spy on Minor races. Yahoo!
The Beta Release
Like most things we do, Version 2.0 is going to have a Beta period starting (barring any major problems) next Wednesday, the 26th of September. For those not playing Mega Man 9 next week (which is what I'll be doing), you'll be able to try your hand at the update, playing with all these fresh new features and helping to ensure the game is still balanced (and stable). This will be released on Impulse, with the final version making it up onto Stardock Central as well.
Next Wedensday: We wrap up our 2.0 journals with some nice new Negotiation tweaks, Campaign updates, as well as all the dangling improvements that'll make 2.0 rock!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Sep 26, 2008

You all got more 'beta' action than you bargained for I also have fast start enabled, and will talk to the team about why that would be messing with the install files.

di55ec7: Yeah, I talked to them about that, and it has to do with the 'pre-release' status. If you don't want to/can't download that much, wait for the final and i beleive it'll be more managable.

on Sep 26, 2008

Where should I report bugs in this? For me, most of the buttons are blank and have no text. This is true of many dropdowns as well and the tech tree. This makes the game basically unplayable. Trying to see if uninstall/reinstall does anything.

on Sep 26, 2008

So has nobody been able to download it? And, I hate to ask this, but can someone with a fast connection uninstall and reinstall to see if the Beta comes through?

Oh, and please give Impulse a restart (and your PC, if you're feeling frisky) to see if that kicks the file into cooperation.

(Boogiebac stomps off to scold the download.)

Worked fine for me first time through, downloaded it about...two hours ago.  I'm not on a particularly fast connection, and plus I'd rather not break it, so I'd prefer not to uninstall + reinstall TA, but if need be, I can, to check.

EDIT: Note: Fast start is not enabled.

Also, there has GOT to be an easier way to assign planetary governors.  Somewhere to click, or something.  Ctrl+P just isn't working for me.  Although it IS nice to have access to the auto upgrade functions without being in planetary details.  Not to mention that reordering apparently doesn't work, so they're built in the opposite order you put them in the list.

on Sep 26, 2008

We should all get Beta Tester medals for this!


Although I'm sure the beta alone is worth uninstalling and reinstalling.  I just wish that my fiber optics was more than 650 kilobits/sec so I could see it sooner.

But then again, the extra speed isn't worth doubling the monthly service fee for it.

on Sep 26, 2008

Trubbs: Before you uninstall/reinstall, just try rebooting. There have been known issues with windows and the font where a simple reboot does the trick.

on Sep 26, 2008

Where should I report bugs in this? For me, most of the buttons are blank and have no text. This is true of many dropdowns as well and the tech tree. This makes the game basically unplayable. Trying to see if uninstall/reinstall does anything.

I started a new thread in the TA forum 1.99 bugs and issues

on Sep 26, 2008

https://forums.galciv2.com/325737 Or here   I'll be looking at both (thanks Metal Swarm for starting that post).

on Sep 26, 2008

Got this up & running in as fast as the 10.4MBs worth of files could auto_install in the usual folder of TA; it also archived the entire TA setup, but i think this is normal since i have the option on.


Quick remarks from a swift try-out run....


1- All seem to be working properly and as hinted about in the earlier Journals stuff. New espionage, Planetary Governer, Starbase automation, the two new options of Galazy setup phase & the external Ship_Yard button on the init menu.


2- I understood that we should also have a new Research Governer but it ain't there yet, possibly coders forgot that one.


3- Scanned through the debug.err initial file and most things look to be at their regular places; except for a new set of repetitive warnings such as these;


Debug Message:  Version v1.99 Twilight of the Arnor BETA 1 last updated on: Wed Sep 24 12:03:21 2008
Debug Message:  Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message:  Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message:  Could not query reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net value named Serial No
Debug Message:  Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message:  Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU

*** (Skipping normal lines... No files found, masks, clears, etc.)

Debug Message:  No files found matching mask G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\Mods\CoSH/Campaigns/*.gc2Campaign
Debug Message:  Error loading map name from mission 16 from G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\./Data/English/Campaigns/DreadLords/Dread Lords Campaign.gc2campaign
Debug Message:  Error loading scenario name from mission 16 from G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\./Data/English/Campaigns/DreadLords/Dread Lords Campaign.gc2campaign
Debug Message:  Error loading map name from mission 8 from G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\./Data/English/Campaigns/Twilight of the Arnor.gc2campaign
Debug Message:  Error loading scenario name from mission 8 from G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\./Data/English/Campaigns/Twilight of the Arnor.gc2campaign
Debug Message:  GalaxyWnd: Cannot find OBJID Scenaro_MoreDetails_FText
Debug Message:  GalaxyWnd: Cannot find OBJID Scenaro_Details_FormattedText
Debug Message:  No files found matching mask ./Data/English/Scenarios/*.GC2Scenario
Debug Message:  No files found matching mask G:\GalCiv2\Twilight\Mods\CoSH\Data\Scenarios\*.gc2scenario
Debug Message:  CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Title
Debug Message:  CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Disctiption_Spinner_Back
Debug Message:  CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Disctiption_Title
Debug Message:  Creating Galaxy

*** (Continue...)

Debug Message:  Creating 3 minor races
Debug Error:  Starting tech NeutralHistory could not be given to Paulos because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Error:  Starting tech Innovative History could not be given to Paulos because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Error:  Starting tech NeutralHistory could not be given to Jessuins because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Error:  Starting tech Innovative History could not be given to Jessuins because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Error:  Starting tech NeutralHistory could not be given to Snathi because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Error:  Starting tech Innovative History could not be given to Snathi because it was not found in their tech tree ().
Debug Message:  Creating ships...

*** (I believe the above Minors tree flaws have been around since 1.96 too...)

A bunch of 'Foreign buttons missing'.


Some OBJID weren't found during UPwnd calls for races 9 to 12.


Auto_saves worked...


Debug Message:  Main Shell terminating normally
Debug Message:  Unallocated Mem: 8 bytes of memory from line 1130 of H:\Projects\Twilight\LibKumquat\Source\editfields.cpp

... ... ...

Debug Message:  Unallocated Mem: 8 bytes of memory from line 1130 of H:\Projects\Twilight\LibKumquat\Source\editfields.cpp
Debug Message:  Not all memory has been freed from memory system EditFields.
Debug Message:     3192 bytes of memory still allocated.

(The above was repeated about 3192/8 times!!)




Arrrrrghhhh... secondly, i was somehow dissapointed to see that a number of things didn't get fixed;

1- ShrineoftheMithrilar & SymbiosisPlatform queries png files still have typos.

2- YOR Neutral bik still has its annoying white flashing frame near the end.

3- The re-naming of Tiles according to the query images when the planet surfaces are scanned has not been fixed. Back in July, Carielf & Codecritter mentioned that they had a solution.

4- CivEventWnd.dxpack still loads up without the bottom row of shorcut icons and i MUST copy a backup file (which has them) over your wrong installation version.


Some more testing to do, i'll let you know.


on Sep 26, 2008

Sorry about the above, if i have anything else to mention - i'll use the proper thread linked by BoogieBac while i was typing the earlier response.

on Sep 26, 2008

Anyone know how the planetry govenor is supposed to work ?

I don`t seem to be able to alter the build queue order . It reverts back to the order you click when creating a queue.

I sort of hoped it would be selectable from the colony managment screen.

on Sep 26, 2008

Sorry to disappoint, but I still get the 1.96 version, even though I restart, check the Fast Start, uninstall/reinstall TotA.

Bad Karma for me I guess ...

on Sep 26, 2008

Now it works, there is an option in the Preferences ... Show pre-release versions ...

on Sep 26, 2008

One question ... i suppose this version is not compatible with the saves from 1.96 ?

on Sep 26, 2008

Can anyone tell me what slider setting for extreme planets and random events would be equivalent to previous versions? And how much of an increase in frequency would a notch up or down be? Thanks.

on Sep 26, 2008

My early indications suggest one level up from Rare (which is 10% of the galaxy extreme), since most DA/TA games run at about 25-33% Extreme Worlds in my experience.  The highest level will give you about 75% extreme planets.


Events 'normally' would are fairly low; so Common or Frequent will notice a definite increase in the amount of random events happening in the galaxy.

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