Actually, Just Four Spells.
Published on May 18, 2009 By ScottTykoski In Elemental Dev Journals

Welcome to the first of several 'Countdown' journals leading up to the release of Beta 0. While we don't have a firm date for the release (several folks need to recoup from weeks of Demigod all-nighters), we still plan on getting Elemental's first playable form into your hands for June!

Boogiebac (myself) holding a Resturaunt Meeting on City Resources 

After seeing the amazing starships made by players (and reviewers) in GC2's ship designer, we decided fairly early to make customization a huge part of the Elemental experience. And while this has resulted in a longer tool-development period than GC2, the current results with those tools have been really exciting.

Case in point: our new Particle Engine (and coorisponding in-game Particle Editor). Obviously, since we're making a fantasy game, we would need some fantastic spells spell effects to get players excited. Besides spells, every weapon swung, item used, dungeon cleared, and acheivement acheived would require it's own special effect.  To acheve this we (Ross and Paul) created the Particle Editor, a mighty in-game workshop for the artists (and players) to create effects with.

We put the final few touches on version 1 of the editor last Wedensday and gave it to Akil and Dan (two of our artists) to create spells with. In just TWO DAYS, they had the tool learned and had created their first 4 spell-ready effects.

Beckon Home
A spell for the adventurer that just wants to get home to heal up. 'Beckon Home' sends any unit to a friendly settlement.

A ball of fire burns away the FOW and gies you full view of a selected part of the map. Flare uses both Fire mana and a small amount of essence. Think of it as the 'Eye of Sauron: Lite'.

Sublime Harvest
Feed your people with some magical rations! Sublime Harvest tops up a settlement's food supply, using both Earth mana and a pinch of your essence.

Burn away a section of forest or any unused Fertile Ground with Pyrostorm.

The in-game Particle editor, despite requiring additional up-front dev time, will allow anyone with a crazy spell idea to get their creation into the game easilly (then use the online Library to let them share it). Besides this, the final boxed game will have an Item Editor, Equipment Editor, Tile Design Editor (more about TD's later), the World Builder, and any other editors we can cram in 

Next week we'll talk about World Creation and the adventures you'll be going on! Till then, please send your good vibes to the Demigod team as they (hopefully) wrap up a very rough month.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 19, 2009

Oh BTW Boogie, random question but do you have an estimate of the download size of the finished game and the betas?  I'm wondering whether to get just the download (cheaper due to no shipping costs) or whether to get the box as well (won't need to worry about downloading).  I have problems with download limits and slow speeds at times.  Or is it possible to alter my order if this turns out to be a problem?

on May 19, 2009

Good It'll be worth it. There's no game quite like it currently on the market (Total War is only similar), so it'll be very worthwhile to do the beta to make sure it comes out all nice and shiny.

on May 19, 2009

Or is it possible to alter my order if this turns out to be a problem?

In the past they've offered an option to upgrade to a box from digital-only, but that's usually a week or so after the game's release. I don't think you would be able to change your order after it's charged though..

on May 19, 2009

I'm going to assume where 'jerk'='a good looking and intellegent fellow'

Maybe but clearly 'intellegent' != 'good at spelling'.

- Ash

PS> And thanks for the info and videos!

on May 19, 2009

OUr first look at spells. Looks promising.


I'll be on vacation when I finally get to play beta. I am happy I have a laptop. Waking up in the camper and playing this game will be cool.


It's all good news.


PS it's true the picture is scary LOL

on May 19, 2009

Waking up in the camper

Check for bears first.

on May 19, 2009

A great magic system will really make this game unique. What I loved about Masters of Magic was the spells!  I just hope we have a way to modify how much Essence you start with.  So I could go for a really over the top high magic game if I feel like it or go for low magic if I feel like that.  If not then guess it will be Modding time! *adjusts halo*


Can't wait for Beta! 


Keep up the great work!

on May 19, 2009

I'm going to assume where 'jerk'='a good looking and intellegent fellow'

Don't worry Zubaz, one day you will learn how to spell

on May 19, 2009

Awesome news and thanks for the demos.

Looking forward to making some interesting spells and more.

Keep the updates coming!

on May 19, 2009

Loved the info! Are you planning on releasing small tutorial videos for the tools along with the documentation?

on May 20, 2009

Some very cool vids, BooieBac.  The "Sublime Harvest" was probably my favorite!   


I would just like to add my voice to the concern(s) about spending one's essence on spells, however.  Unless I've mistaken/misunderstood you guys thus far, I'm under the impression that essense is going to be an *extremely* finite resource (since it's essentially what your channeler is composed of).  Assuming that's indeed the case, it seems like spending essense would/should be reserved only for truly epic-level spells.  I know you want to avoid "cheese" -- which is a sentiment I very much appreciate, believe me -- but it seems like requiring essense for lesser spells might be an....overcorrection in this regard. 



on May 20, 2009

I am not worried about essence. I think it makes sense to have to give up, maybe permanently, some of your power to cast a spell. BoogieBac said


You'll have MANY spells to cast that dont sap your essence, but the ones that do will be considerably more potent.

so I think it will be fine. It will force you to think through your decisions. Do I cast this spell now, or should I save my essence for later? And Stardock will be testing and balancing out the wazoo, so I am not worried.

on May 20, 2009

I'll be on vacation when I finally get to play beta. I am happy I have a laptop. Waking up in the camper and playing this game will be cool.

Unless the beta requires to be always connected to Internet ....

on May 20, 2009

This sounds Awesome, AWESOME TO THE MAX!

on May 20, 2009

GW Swicord
I very much agree with this point. The essence-mana mechanics could be the most important distinguishing feature for Elemental, and it just seems wrong to be able to throw essence away on something as momentary as a pile of rations or a one-time scan of a territory. Mana is what a channeler can channel; essence is part of what a channeler *is*. Or so I hope.


It occurs to me that we don't know yet what the city model in Elemental is, unless I missed a post.  In a lot of Civ-like games, food is directly related to population growth -- so although the direct effect of conjuring food would be temporary, the long-term effect in the game could be huge.  You'd basically be peeling away your essence to build a large, thriving city much earlier than you would otherwise be able to.

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