- Cutting through to the Fun Stuff -
Published on September 16, 2008 By ScottTykoski In GalCiv Journals
Galactic Civilization 2 Version 2.0 is being designed to blow our other updates away.
A few months back we traversed all the suggestions/requests/demands we've received since GC2:Dreadlords 1.0 and compiled a definitive list of new features to cram into our penultimate update.
I think these next two are going to make alot of people happy...
External Ship Designer
Yes, we've finally done it!  From the title screen, you now have the option to open up the Ship Designer!

Filled to the brim with every engine, weapon, fleet module, and extra component available in the game, you can now create without completely unlocking every tech in-game.

The end result is a quick, easy, and fun way to fill your tech-tree with unlockable ships based on your strategies.


It's been asked for since 1.0, so I apologize for the wait. I hope it was worth it!
Starbase Upgrade Managers
One of the major complaints we've received - again, since 1.0 - was the end game stream of Constructors and the resulting click-fest in getting new Starbases fully upgraded.
Now, when you bring up the Starbase Details window, you'll be able to sort the 'classes' of module that you want a Starbase to focus on. This is a very macro-friendly approach (we tried doing a explicit module queue and it ended up just as cumbersome as the old method).

So lets say you have a Economic starbase in friendly territory that you want to use in pumping up Production and Trade Income. Just bring up that Starbase's queue, send 'Production Assist' and 'Trade Assist' to the top, probably followed by some Starbase Defense and Offense module types. As constructors are sent, they'll automatically pick the best modules from your priority list and build without hassle.
More To Come
We're not done yet! Version 2.0 has some great new galaxy setup features that we have yet to talk about. Add to that a new ship style, negotiation, and our aformentoned espionage tweaks, and you have an update that feels more like an expansion.
Or, at least, that's what we're hoping for. 
Up Thursday (er...now Friday...sorry, busy week): We'll dive into the new Galaxy Setup options, and finally show off how Espionage has been tightened up.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 18, 2008

I would love to see starbases being included in fleets. They should also be able to support fleet modules - it's a starbase, size really isn't a problem, right?

I'd veto the improved defenses, though - especially if we can fleet ships with them. Starbases should be able to protect themselves to a degree, but shouldn't be totally invincible. Case in point, in my last game I had a mining base in Terran space that had more kills than the rest of my fleet, because the ENTIRE TERRAN NAVY killed themselves on it. Thalan hyperion bases are pretty sweet, and are nearly unbeatable at low to mid level tech.

on Sep 18, 2008

Thalan hyperion bases are pretty sweet, and are nearly unbeatable at low to mid level tech.

If you manage to get most or all the military mines, the Thalan Singularity Armor can make starbases self-defensible well past mid-game, at least down here at Tough diff. Add in some anomaly luck, a few of the Thalan +weapons techs, and the tree-top defs like Overlord Armor, and you can end up with defenses well above 100 and even approaching 200 per category.

I'd *much* rather see starbases able to join fleets than have better defenses, but I don't really like the idea that a choice is required. Since starbases can't move or attack, I have no problem with them becoming effectively impregnable if a rival civ or I choose to just pour on the constructors and have techs to make use of that resource stream.

But I've also had the occasional starbase turn out to be my "best fighter" on account of suicidal, stupid enemies. Maybe the real trick here is that coding computer players to make good decisions about whethe and when to attack starbases is really hard. I've seen quite a few situations where an enemy should have taken down one of my resource mines in vulnerable territory, but instead they go harrowing off on their insane 80-turn saga attacks on a fleet that will easily kill them if they ever manage to get within weapons range.

on Sep 18, 2008


One thing, is there a "do not build" option for specific starbase modules? It is better to have constructors sitting idle (and usueable for other projects) then building defense modules on a base deep in your empire. Or building the absolutely worthless sensor upgrades (speaking of which, those should really be improved...)

on Sep 19, 2008

speaking of which, those should really be improved...

it's The Eyes of the Universe that's unbalancing, IMHO anyway. if it only caused you to see ships in the mini map, it'd still leave sensors and the sensor modules as very useful. but having just the minimap adjustment would leave it a bit underpowered. it's a trade-off in terms of whether it's better to leave it over or under powered.

on Sep 20, 2008

I like to see someone fix the hyper warp drive engine hardpoint because it is not centered on the engine, it is off to one side so when you put it on your ship it looks funny.

The hardpoint mount should look like this          |      v      |          but not like this          |        v    |

Thank you




on Sep 20, 2008

I like to see someone fix the hyper warp drive engine hardpoint because it is not centered on

the engine, it is off to one side so when you put it on your ship it looks funny.

The hardpoint mount should look like this       |      v      |       but not like this       |        v    |  .

Sorry for the double post.

Thank you.



on Sep 24, 2008

About the ship editor:

-Will there be an option to control the miniturization and/or techs available? I don't know about you, but being able to design ships for the early colony rush (where miniturization can be limited) and early wars (where techs are limited) would be quite handy. Having everything at once can get in my way of designing those ships.

I agree setting the miniaturization value is key to determining when in a game (or if ever) a given ship module will become available.  Currently, when I design a ship in the game it always uses the current value.  If my miniaturization value is high then it prevents me from designing a simple ship that can be used early in a future game.  Being able to set the miniaturization value lower in the in game ship designer would be hopefull as well.

About starbases:

-Starbase defenses is woefully inadequate late game. Its very possible to design a group of ships, or a single huge one, that can destroy the most well fortified starbase with relative ease. Have you guys considered reducing the number of modules required (with newer modules replacing older modules as installable modules), and/or increasing the overall strengh of starbase defenses.

Way back I reported as a bug that starbases benefit from your hitpoint bonus but not your attack and defense bonuses.  The reply back from Stardock was this was by design; otherwise, starbases would become too powerfull.  I total disagree!  I agree with DivineWrath that currently by mid-game the only way to defend starbases is with ships.

on Sep 24, 2008

The whole starbase defense issue could be solved by allowing them to join fleets. What does it matter if the base is weak, if you have some decent ships defending it and drawing fire?

I agree with the designed weakness of starbases - too often I see bases tank dozens of beginning/midgame fleets without much damage. My last full game I tanked the entire Terran navy with one fully fortified mining base - it killed literally hundreds of ships over a 10-15 turn period, and was barely damaged at the end. Of course, that was using the Thalan defensive tech, so it was stronger than the norm, but this is exactly what you guys are arguing for!

on Sep 24, 2008

too often I see bases tank dozens of beginning/midgame fleets without much damage

Surely someone's already answered this argument with, "Well, make the computer players smart enough not to pour fleets down a hole like that."

on Sep 24, 2008

Honestly, when (and where) to attack/invade is the AI's weakest point, IMHO.

on Sep 25, 2008

Does this mean beta 1 of 2.0 is delayed until Friday, or after Friday?


on Sep 25, 2008

It should be out anytime today and if not ie server probs then tomorrow.

on Oct 09, 2008

       Anyway, the 1.99 autmatic starbase upgrader is a welcome addition to a great game.   Tanking with a starbase or resource base is a great option when faced with a multiple front war, but it's not perfect.  Be prepared with some spare constructors or even a spare fleet.


on Oct 11, 2008

I agree with the designed weakness of starbases - too often I see bases tank dozens of beginning/midgame fleets without much damage. My last full game I tanked the entire Terran navy with one fully fortified mining base - it killed literally hundreds of ships over a 10-15 turn period, and was barely damaged at the end. Of course, that was using the Thalan defensive tech, so it was stronger than the norm, but this is exactly what you guys are arguing for

Considering the huge amount of resources they suck up (in modules and the expensive techs), I think it's entirely reasonable for starbases to become almost impregnable fortresses when absolutely maxed out.  What you describe is not an argument against that, it just highlights an AI flaw which is badly in ineed of correction.

on Oct 18, 2008

We already have carrier concept.  Fleet modules, particularly the Terran Warp Bubble concept carries the carrier concept into space.  Like what the devs have done there.

Starbase Manager is extremely welcome!  That said, I think it would be a lot more functional if, instead of a macro, you could provide it with several build lists on default, then allow the user to specify and name build lists as he chooses.  Priority listing is good for when you have limited technology and have a small number of choices (like when you only have 2 choices of starbase defense modules to choose from), but ultimately, early game starbase management isn't the issue anyway.


In any case, better than nothing, certainly!  Much better. 

I agree with fleeting with Starbases.  If you fleet your fleet with starbases, there's no need to code a Fortify unit function - just fleet your fleet with the starbase and it'll never move!  Of course, there is the little problem that allowing a Starbase to fleet early game could cause problems with AI fleet decision making.  It'd be serious cheese to plop down an Economic Starbase for attacking purposes early game!

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