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ScottT's Site
The UI and You
The Road to 1.2
Published on May 12, 2006 By
GalCiv Journals
Ah, the UI of a turn based strategy game…so much info to convey, so little time to get it all 100% perfect.
As players have invested hours and hours on our little space game, they’re finding many little UI issues that hamper the gamplay experience and can quickly turn a joyful galaxy-wide extermination into a click-fest nightmare. Well…perhaps not a nightmare, but certainly not as enjoyable.
After the memory issues of 1.1 that went hand-in-hand with playing on a Gigantic galaxy, the whole team set out to play-test the hell out of that size game. Taking notes on what annoyed us, as well as using issues brought up on the forums, we came up with a list of UI tweaks that should make gameplay considerably less ‘clicky’, mostly on those large galaxies.
** Ship Details **
OK, so perhaps the screen didn’t have ALL the details a regular player would need. We’ve since added the Construct and Upgrade buttons to this screen, listed the number of Troops or Colonists on the selected vessel, and have a text field to display the vessels current destination.
** Quick Build Screen **
Just a little thing, but we’ve added a cancel button here. This way, if you click through the available ships and can’t find one you want to change production to, you can simply cancel without having to re-locate the last design you were building. Dunno if this annoyed other players, but it annoyed me.
** Auto-Focus on next availabe Ship with Moves **
Perhaps I never payed attention…perhaps it’s worse playing on a large Galaxy…I don’t know, but I wanted to KILL auto-focus half-way through my last game. Cari’s currently turning this into an option…one that I will promptly disable.
** Colony Management List **
Added shield so you know what planets are defended. Tweaked income display to now display Net Income instead of plain ol’ income…should be more useful. Also tweaked the list so it shouldn’t reset to the top when returning from the Planet Screen.
** Planet Screen **
Improvement list wont reset to top when placing improvements. Will be able to destroy an improvement even if it’s being upgrade (1.1 had LOTS of clicking here if you needed to destroy an upgrading improvement).
Lots of other little additions as well. A tool-tip that shows your empire income stats when you mouse-over your money on the main game screen. Number of troops on the Fleet Context Window. Adding of the aforementioned Upgrade and Constructor buttons to the Fleet Manager Window.
Unfortunatly, I don’t know when these improvements will make their way into your hands. Brad returns next Monday, at which time I’m sure we’ll be discussing other things, but we’ll definatly try to pin down a date for 1.2.
Along with mod support, 1.2 will be filled with these long overdue tweaks will ease everyones UI related pain...including my own.
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Comments (Page 5)
8 Pages
on May 15, 2006
Gah the edit button is missing so have to post a new one.
Indeed Walldorf2000 post made me realize how badly this game need a quick button for "move all autopilot moves". Make it happen please
on May 15, 2006
Before v1.11 when you had moves left after auto orders where done the ship with moves left was autofocused.
It's the option "skip moves left over from auto pilot".
I know. What I'm driving at is that before v1.11 when you had a ship/fleet with moves left over from automove that ship/fleet was autoselected. Not anymore. Now I have to use the find button to find the ship/fleet in question. But it did make me find the find button so it's not all bad, but still.
I would also find a keyboard command and/or button to "find ship/fleet with moves left" useful.
While I'm at it I think I should mention that I have noticed that transfer of unused social production to military doesn't always work. I suspect it has something to with loading a saved game, but I'm not sure. Speaking of transferring production, it would be nice if unused military production was transferred to social. Would be useful for planets that can't build ships.
Not really a UI pure change, but I think splitting industrial production and research production on the domestic screen would be a good idea. So instead of one spending slider there would be two, one for industrial capacity and one for research. And there would only be two distribution sliders for military and social distribution of the industrial capacity. So if you put your industrial slider to 100% your factories would be running at full capacity and if the distribution sliders where set to 50/50 between social and military then a planet with an industrial capacity of 20 would use 10 for social and 10 for miltary. And if the same planet had a research capacity of 10 and the research spending slider was set at 50% the planet would produce 5 research points. That would make the economy model make more sense and be easier to understand I think. As it is now it's just plain weird that the spending slider affects two types of buildings which can be set to run at 100% capacity but then be distributed 100% to military so no research gets done even though they are supposedly running at full capacity when in fact only the factories are running at full capacity. Having one industrial spending slider and one research spending slider makes it possible to have both types of buildings run at full capacity if you have the cash flow to afford it. I don't know how difficult such a change would be or how it would affect the AI but I do believe it would improve the game considerably. I hope this makes sense to you all and not only to me. If not, ask and I'll try to explain what I mean better.
on May 15, 2006
Colony ships...When I pull up the Planet Screen to see the Unowned Planets, if I click on one to move the screen to it, might it be possible not to de-select my colony ship? I hate having to click the find button a few times until I find my colony ship again.
I second, third, and fourth this suggestion.
on May 15, 2006
Indeed Walldorf2000 post made me realize how badly this game need a quick button for "move all autopilot moves". Make it happen please
I would love this as well!
on May 15, 2006
I have noticed that transfer of unused social production to military doesn't always work.
It only works when you set your military spending to 1% at least. But this shouldn't be necessary in my opinion.
One other thing: The production bonuses don't seem to be applied correctly (or at all?) when production is transferred. I'm not against a penalty for the transfer, but right now you seem to lose your whole bonus production which is excessive and often makes it a bad option.
Speaking of transferring production, it would be nice if unused military production was transferred to social.
Seconded! If military production runs idle, it should be transferred to social production and vice versa. If both run idle, well, then you shouldn't be charged at all.
Having one industrial spending slider and one research spending slider makes it possible to have both types of buildings run at full capacity if you have the cash flow to afford it.
I'm all for some slider changes: The spending slider itself remains unchanged, but there should be one slider for research (0-100%), one for production (0-100%) and one for the distribution of the production between social and military production (from 100% military to 100% social).
on May 15, 2006
Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated!
Popup Target
on May 15, 2006
How about two modified "find next" functions... "Find nearest unassigned colony ship" and "Find nearest unassigned constructor"?
Actually, what I'd really like is to be able to assign planets to autocolonization and some similar way to say "I want 5 constructors to go to this starbase" and then have a fake rally point "nearest requested destination" that autopilots the ship to the nearest destination of the appropriate type, but that may be too much work for a dot-release.
on May 15, 2006
I'd like to know when two civilisations declare war on each other. At the moment I find that I'll be happily trading and then suddenly a trade route is cut off - and I then find that two AIs have gone to war. Well, thanks guys!
Knowing when civs declared war on each other was a benefit of espionage in GCI. It ought to be again.
on May 16, 2006
I'm all for some slider changes: The spending slider itself remains unchanged, but there should be one slider for research (0-100%), one for production (0-100%) and one for the distribution of the production between social and military production (from 100% military to 100% social).
I too am
keen to see this implemented. However that's game engine change, not the UI change.
Anyway, please Stardock?
BR, Iztok
on May 16, 2006
Here is the thing if implemented would make my life easier.
Since 100% approval colonies give monsterous +100% growth rate I try to keep all growing colonies at that rate.
That needs a lot of micromanaging of tax slider evey few turns.
So it could be a great if you could set taxes to "keep 100% approval", with option to exclude some colonies from this equation (making it keep all colonies exempt those selected to 100% aproval).
This would greatly reduce micromanagement for my playstyle.
On the other hand, if 100% approval didn't gave extra growth bonus, then all this would be unneccesary.
on May 16, 2006
Informing you when other civilization go to war would be nice. I tend to play happily in all ignorance when half the galaxy is at war. If I actually knew they were figting, I might exploit it. Call me lazy, but I don´t check the "threaties" page that often.
I also like the way computer informs me that they are attacking me. But hey why not make it fool proof! Make the window surrounded by flames or write in big red fonts WAR.
@p22 , yes something like that would be neat to keep approval at 100%. But I too feel that the whole approval gives growth bonus is totally idiotic. It adds huge amount of micromanagement and does not make sense. I mean look at Africa, those people are probably very miserable but they multiply like rabbits. I know you should not compare real life with GC2 but still. The growth bonus is too big to just thing if you want to win, which leads to horrendeous micromanagement.
My own quickly formed idea would be that red approval would effect industry and research in negative way. Yellow would give no benefits and green approval would give slight but not overwhelming bonus to industry and research. That way bad goverments with unhappy people would not be so productive while happy civilizations would be. This idea probably has flaws in it, but in my mind approval should not give any growth rate bonuses at all. Look at thalans, they are ants right. Do happy ants reproduce more than unhappy ones? And don´t get me started with robotic Yors
on May 16, 2006
Well yes, while I personally have no problem with some extra growth you get from >75% approval, the whole idea that having 100% approval, instead of 99%, would somehow double your growth is very weird. And encourages high micromanagement to best optimize cities.
After every party elections I really feel like dictator, with more then 90% votes beeing for me.
on May 16, 2006
Indeed I too feel the 100% mega bonus is bit too much. Why not keep it simple by red , yeallow and green zones? I understand that at this point, its very hard to change whole concept of approval. But for the love of god, reduce the micromanagement
I had (in my mind) very neat idea about making different races more unique. A popular request as I understand. This all came to the Thalan ants again
The idea concerns about the goverments you can choose, republic, democracy and federation. In order for races to be more unique I would see Thalans developing "higher hive mind thinking" and Yors developing faster "core processors"
Ofcourse this is too big change at this point, but something to consider in expansion pack. And again totally wrong thread to bring out these ideas, but had to write while I remember them. But at the moment UI is the thing to improve, hopefully approval and things like that can be deal in expansion and in future updates.
on May 16, 2006
Outstanding set of suggestions from everyone and thanks to Startdock for listening. Nothing worse than haveing the map yank out from under you to move to a ship with moves left just as you click and the ship wyo were going to sent into battle goes the opposite direction, or worse, right into the fray when you wanted to escape. CarElf is a goddess.
on May 16, 2006
I have noticed one UI glitch since the 1.0D version. When I zoom in on the minimap, the influence colors will not show correctly. It gets worse the more you zoom in. This makes using the minimap on gigantic maps difficult.
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