...Specificially Starting Locations....
Published on January 28, 2009 By ScottTykoski In Elemental Dev Journals

...don't allow this.


edit: I just realized what I tease this would be for users hungry for more info on the game. I promise to put something of greater significance up in the next week.

But seriously, that's a horrible starting location

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 29, 2009

That picture is awesome. If Denryu's easter egg doesn't quite work out, at least give the game a one in 100,000 chance of generating that island. Someone would get it at some point

on Jan 29, 2009

Lord Reliant
Are there any random map generators that currently exist out there that are really great?


For some odd reason, no-one has mentioned Dwarf Fortress yet.

on Jan 29, 2009

The world generator is more than just a map layer. It actually forms realistic terrain and geological stone layers. Its the only game I know of other than Alpha Centauri that replicates rain shadows.

on Jan 30, 2009

did... did denryu just make a shot at my fire slug?

on Jan 30, 2009

/comfort Landisaurus  I'm sure your fire slugs will be just fine.  But you have to admit they are not quite as good as the Bear Calvery!



on Jan 30, 2009

I don't want bear calvalry, I want Bear Dragoons!

on Feb 06, 2009

edit: I just realized what I tease this would be for users hungry for more info on the game. I promise to put something of greater significance up in the next week.

Not to be the impatient one of the group...but weren't we promised something this week?

on Feb 06, 2009

Zomg, I can't believe I missed this thread!

Ron Lugge
I don't want bear calvalry, I want Bear Dragoons!
And Chocobo Paladins?

on Feb 06, 2009

... Not to be the impatient one of the group...but weren't we promised something this week?

That question points to the fundamental dilemma of the boards during this pre-beta time. Do we want the devs typing to us about what they're doing, or doing more of what they're doing? I change my opinion constantly.

on Feb 06, 2009

 I dont think a weekly update is too much to ask. It doesnt have to be 8 paragraphs of information but it would be nice to hear about more features or see new screenshots. Not only does it satisfy our curiousity it helps drive the forum by giving us new things to talk about.

That's my stance on it now anyways. When the beta is is delayed by 2 weeks, I will waffle and start b1tching on how they should have focused more on programming instead of giving us all these updates .... (jk)

Either way, wasnt trying to be pushy. He said he would give us some new info so i was just following up. I suuuppoossee I can wait another week though...


on Feb 06, 2009

I agree.  Its not too much, and he said we'd have something awesome this week.   That being said, right after this post we did get a pretty fat wall of info from frogboy.  Nothing particularly specific, but it did answer some generic questions.

That being said, if the hour each week I imagine it takes make a post and get it approved by marketing (or whatever stardock has that can decide what can and cannot be released to the public without violating NDA) makes the difference between having a playable version in may rather than june somehow, I'll take updates only once a month if need be.

on Feb 07, 2009

I don't mind getting weekly updates if there is information that can be shared and is interesting. Also, agree totally with landisaurus. Keep working on the game rather than prettying up frequent updates.

Unless you can do both!

on Feb 07, 2009

It's better to have them working on the game than distracted posting. That said, I would really like a true weekly update. Even if it's just to share with us how has been their week at the office.

on Feb 07, 2009

I dont think a weekly update is too much to ask

It is.

on Feb 07, 2009


It is.


You gave us an awesome screenshot so Im satisified...until next Friday 

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