A Broad View of the Action
Published on August 18, 2006 By ScottTykoski In GalCiv Journals

With August half way past and summer slowly drawing to a close, our deadlines for Dark Avatar are beginning to loom. Luckilly, we've kept at a steady pace the last few months, meaning much of our hard work is starting to really come together nicely.

Here are some of the major features we're working on right now....

Race Logos on Ships

That's right, this is MY ship.

Jesse, the man behind the "rotating jewelry" solution (for those that don't know, 1.0 didn't allow you to rotate the pieces of jewelry in all directions...it was pretty lame) has come up with a way to get your race logo on your ships! In Dark Avatar, you'll just have to place the appropriate peice of jewelry (comes in 2 flavors, square and rounded) and whatever logo you picked for your race will appear on your designs (and yes, this includes custom logos).

Needless to say...it's pretty cool.

Everyone wants to show off their Logos.

Epic Generator

I've been heading up this stupid feature for, what, like 2 years now (note to self: you suggested it, so technically you aren't allowed to complain).

Luckily progress is being made, and while there's still TONS of writing to still do, the foundation is being built and the end product should be pretty impressive. Here's a chapter from a game I recently played. In this particular game, the final weighting system would probably ignore a battle like this, but it's still kind of neat to read...

Arcea Defenseless

ScooterT had always been known as a ruthless tactician. "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard." was the motto all soldiers in the Terran Military had taken to heart.

To them, every battle was a chance to prove the might of the Terran Alliance. To ScooterT’s soldiers, losing wasn’t an option.

A fleet of Terran warships rumbled into orbit of planet Arcea, the longtime homeworld of the Arcean people. Hyperdrive engines were cut and communication channels were opened between the ships.

'What do we have, admiral?' one of the crew members of Plasma Squid 117 requested from their fleet leader.

Admiral George C. Pitamus was aboard the lightweight Plasma Squid 147, skimming over the scanner display and comm readout. The only ‘blips’ on the data charts were theirs.

'Nothing to report, soldier.' the admiral barked, adding, 'Musta’ turned yella’ and went crying to Lord Vega!'

The crew members got a good laugh at this, but were cut short by the admiral again. 'Wait...we have a bogey.'

A new blip had made its way onto the radar, slowly approaching the 4 Terran warships.

'A single hostile with a death wish, gentlemen.' the admiral remarked, the excitement of a quick kill unmasked in his voice.

'Take him out.'

The Terran fleet broke formation and targeted the small Arcean warship. Maneuvering to its best ability, the Arcean Defender M3-5 111 powered it’s hyperdrive core and shot past the oncoming vessels, dodging blasts from the Terran Phasor II’s. The vessel, as lightweight as it was, couldn’t keep its dance up forever. One of the Terran pilots grew tired of the chase and turned to face their wily adversary.

'I got this one.' the pilot yelled.

Phasor Squid 146 whipped past the other ships in the Terran fleet and quickly gained on his target, Arcean Defender M3-5 111. Hyperdrive engines were in full maneuverability cycles, pulsing in mini-bursts as to not send the small Terran ship veering out of orbit.

Displays showed the analysis computers had found a marginal weak-point in the Arcean’s structure. Taking advantage of this, the Terran pilot charged up the Plasma II coils and carefully positioned the turrets.

A single shot ripped out of the Phasor Squid 146, connecting directly with the target’s engine casing. The resulting explosion tore through the Arcean Defender M3-5 111’s fuel conduits, bridge, and weapon chambers. Shards of ship hull were launched in all directions.

The single Arcean ship had been laid to waste. The Terran vessels regrouped to survey the field of victory.

'Is that the best you got, Lord Vega?!' admiral Pitmus crowed into the comm receiver. Headset units throughout the Plasma Squid 147 erupted in the cheers from the fleets’ crewmembers.

'Send ScooterT word of our success.' The admiral ordered one of his officers, 'Arcea is defenseless...our enemies world is open for invasion.'

The chapter was built from about 7 different interchangable snippets, each pulled from a library based on battle conditions, galactic conditions, ect. I'll be excited to see what full stories it generates for you guys...but for now, it still has a long ways to go. 


To the approval of, I think, every GC2 player in the universe, the espionage system in Dark Avatar is getting overhauled. Now, as you spend credits on espionage, you acquire spies which can be used for various tasks.

This is really going to tick of the Torians...hehehe.

Our brave new developer Charles has taken this task upon himself. Will he survive sifting though our painfully dry and messy espionage code? Or will this be the last time we see Charles work on a video game? Only time will tell his fate, but one things for sure, the new spy system is gonna' kick butt.

More to Come...

As stated before, there's a whole whiteboard of new features that have to go in. I've only covered 3 of the ones that...well....I have screenshots or text for, but in the upcoming weeks you'll be seeing a tidal wave of new information regarding the expansion pack, leading up to the official release this Fall.

Get excited....I know we are!

edit: Also, for anyone interested, we're hard at work on a free holiday game that will be released later this year. Check out the latest journal here.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 20, 2006
I'm hoping that Diplomacy will be improved also. The current system is sketchy, but there's a lot of potential there.

I know, it seems that once you get alliance tech, you've already pretty much won the game since your allies give you everything you want and almost never break the alliangence.
on Aug 20, 2006
I'd really like to see resource-trading made available. For instance, it would be cool to be able to trade 25 points of military resource to one of my minor race puppets I mean friends, especially for a limited period. Or to buy morale resources... etc.
on Aug 20, 2006
Sounds good! I'm really looking forward to the expansion with all its new options.
on Aug 20, 2006
I would like PLANET models... then, you could really change the planet looks... y'know.. making stuff come out from the planet, some planets that have 5 moons... planet that have a hugh hole in them... a dream that will never come true...
on Aug 21, 2006
  If i hadn't preordered Dark Avatar weeks ago, i would preorder it now without hesitation.   

The logo thing is very nice (in GalCiv III we will get also to put the name of the ship, right?) and the Epic Generator looks very promising. About spies, it's not a part that interests me most but i'm not the one to say no to some extra complexity and fun to the game.

on Aug 21, 2006
Despite all the other sexy features, the race logo's on ships look the most awesome.
I just hope they don't have the problem that most pieces of jewellery have - that they only fit certain hulls. I don't like pieces sticking off my ships awkwardly, like the fat "wings" that touch in one place, but have a massive section hanging off into space.
on Aug 21, 2006
Better yet, the new race logo will make my dream ship come true:

Ultimate Space Truck

Behold, the Ultimate Space Truck!!!   
on Aug 22, 2006
Is the new espionage stuff going to be optional (i.e. as an option on start up)? I've always hated espionage in games. Too much to keep track of. Too fiddly. Not fun.
on Aug 22, 2006
Nice!... I seriously cannot wait for this expansion. Going to be a nice present for all us fans.
on Aug 22, 2006
I, like most fans of GalCiv, am looking forward to the expansion. I wonder about the Epic Generator, however. There seems to be a lot of text to recount the destruction of a single defender. If I take out seven planets with massive defenses in one turn, that takes six minutes to execute, it could compose twenty pages of text that would take as many minutes to read -- pardon the exaggeration if there is any. I may avoid the Epic Generator just so I will have more time to play the game rather than read about past accomplishments!

On the other hand, I will continue to request a stand-alone score board within the game so I can keep track of my non-metaverse games. I was told that the Epic Generator would function as such a score board. But, this does not seem to be the case. Can the same programing that records metaverse scores be added to the game so we can have score-keeping on our PCs for ALL played games?

Thanks for listening once more.
on Aug 22, 2006
Can the same programing that records metaverse scores be added to the game so we can have score-keeping on our PCs for ALL played games?

I agree, that would be a very nice addition.
on Aug 22, 2006

One-Eye: The final Epic Generator will have a weighting systm in place so only the more interesting and relevant events will be talked about in that much detail. You'll only see a chapter like the one above when nothing else of interest is going on. 

Dont worry, we're trying to shoot for the longest story being around 8 pages, and that'd be for a gigantic galaxy with lots of stuff going on.

on Aug 24, 2006
The current system is sketchy, but there's a lot of potential there.

This is what I would love Stardock to do to change to make it more interesting.

Currently, when you make an alliance, the relationship slider goes all the way to the right. I propose that instead the relationship bar should fluctuate as normal, with the addition of a positive "alliance" relationship modifier. If your relationship starts to sink (about warm), then you will have to renegotiate your alliance. If it goes down a lot (to about neutral), then the alliance should fall apart entirely. This would make bribing your way into an alliance much harder, and would now your ally will complain if you try to crush them with influence. Finally the player needs to hold the alliances together for a certain number of turns, allowing time for it to fall a part if you simply bribed your way in. I'm hoping that Diplomacy will be improved also.
on Aug 24, 2006
This is what I would love Stardock to do to change to make it more interesting.

Currently, when you make an alliance, the relationship slider goes all the way to the right. I propose that instead the relationship bar should fluctuate as normal, with the addition of a positive "alliance" relationship modifier. If your relationship starts to sink (about warm), then you will have to renegotiate your alliance. If it goes down a lot (to about neutral), then the alliance should fall apart entirely. This would make bribing your way into an alliance much harder, and would now your ally will complain if you try to crush them with influence. Finally the player needs to hold the alliances together for a certain number of turns, allowing time for it to fall a part if you simply bribed your way in. I'm hoping that Diplomacy will be improved also.

I second that change.
on Aug 24, 2006
Yes, the alliance system could need some changes. Right now it favours the player significantly, both with the AI not breaking alliances at all and the possibility to sneak in alliances with nothing but bribes.
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