Moving Ahead on One of the Expansion Pack Features
Published on May 4, 2006 By ScottTykoski In GalCiv Journals

While I believe the list hasn’t been finalized, Brad has given me the go ahead to begin work on one of the many new features that will be included in the expansion pack: the Epic Story Generator.

As a simple lad with simple programming skills, the task seemed easy enough…write enough text so that, each time the player finishes the game, the player gets an multi-page story similar to the After Action Report’s Brad has posted. However, after playing a few games and mapping out the many MANY events that can occur, the task grew before my eyes. Here’s a list of the events that I’m currently hooking into the code…

enum GC2StoryGeneratorEvents
GC2_Story_Data_RaceStatus, // a races standing in the universe
GC2_Story_Data_GalaxyStatus, // size, ect of galaxy

GC2_Story_EthicalAllignmentChosen, // race gets xenoethics, choses morality
GC2_Story_UPLawPassed, // a law gets passed
GC2_Story_UPLawRejected, // a law gets rejected
GC2_Story_UPLawTimedOut, // a law times out
GC2_Story_LeftUP, // race leaves the UP
GC2_Story_RandomEvent, // a random event occoured, store what option the race picked
GC2_Story_TreasuryDropsBelowZero, // money drops into the red
GC2_Story_TreasuryOutOfDebt, // race climbs out of debt
GC2_Story_BudgetBalanced, // race balances a lopsided budget
GC2_Story_ChangedGovernment, // race changes form of government
GC2_Story_ElectionSuccessful, // won an election
GC2_Story_ElectionFailed, // lost an election

GC2_Story_WarVoteSuccessful, // vote to go to war passed
GC2_Story_WarVoteFailed, // vote to go to war turned down

GC2_Story_MoraleMightDropsBelowFifty, // approval dropps into the red

GC2_Story_FirstContactWithRace, // first time races meet
GC2_Story_RelationsRaised, // race raises relations with someone
GC2_Story_RelationsDropped, // race drops relations with someone
GC2_Story_StartedAlliance, //alliance treaty signed

GC2_Story_AcceptedGift, // took gift
GC2_Story_RejectedGift, // rejected gift

GC2_Story_SuccessfulNegotiations, // sucessfully traded with another race
GC2_Story_UnsucessfulNegotiations, // unsucessfully traded

GC2_Story_WarStartedBecauseOfAlliance, // race gets pulled into war
GC2_Story_RejectedWarDespiteAlliance, // allies plea is rejected

GC2_Story_RaceNoticesShipBuildup, // race takes note of a buildup
GC2_Story_RaceNoticesCultureStarbase, // race takes not of a culture starbase
GC2_Story_RaceNoticesMilitaryStarbase, // whats the warbase doing there?!

GC2_Story_CultureStarbaseStarted, // started party base
GC2_Story_EconomyStarbaseStarted, // started banking/factory base
GC2_Story_MilitaryStarbaseStarted, // started gunbase
GC2_Story_MiningStarbaseStarted, // started mining a resource
GC2_Story_WarshipDesigned, // designed a new warship
GC2_Story_FirstWarshipOfTypeBuilt, // first new warship built

GC2_Story_WarStarted, // war started

GC2_Story_PlanetInvasionFailed, // race tried to invade but got stomped
GC2_Story_PlanetInvasionSuceeded, // race took another race's planets through invasion
GC2_Story_PlanetInvasionTied, // both sides lose all troops

GC2_Story_TradedForPeace, // 'Lets just be friends'
GC2_Story_RejectedTradeForPeace, // 'Hell're gonna die.'
GC2_Story_RaceSurrendered, // race surrenders to another race
GC2_Story_RaceDestroyed, // race is destroyed

GC2_Story_ShipDuelBattle_DefWin, // 2 ships meet, attacker loses
GC2_Story_ShipDuelBattle_AttWin, // same as above, attacker wins
GC2_Story_SmallShipBattle_DefWin, // fleet battle < 6 ships
GC2_Story_MediumShipBattle_DefWin, // fleet battle < 12 ships
GC2_Story_LargeShipBattle_DefWin, // fleet battle tons of shops
GC2_Story_LoneShipOnFleetBattle_DefWin,  // one ship vs a swarm

GC2_Story_StarbaseBattle_DefWin, // starbase battle

GC2_Story_PlanetDefenceless, // planets orbiting ships all killed

GC2_Story_PlanetColonized, // planet colonized
GC2_Story_PlanetBuiltWonder, // not going to explain these ones

GC2_Story_CultureFlipDanger, // planet is in danger of rebeling
GC2_Story_PlanetRevolts, // planet flips to another culturally superior race

GC2_Story_TradeRouteStarted, // started trade route
GC2_Story_TradeRouteShipDestroyed, // en-route frieghter taken out
GC2_Story_TradeRouteEndedTooRisky, // trade route ended due to warfare in the area

GC2_Story_AnomalyFound, // found anomaly!
GC2_Story_WeaponTechResearched, // weapon research completed
GC2_Story_HullSizeTechResearched, // researched new hull size tech

GC2_Story_EconomicBoomBegins, // special events begin and end

GC2_Story_Victory_Culture, // victory conditions

GC2_Story_Loss_Culturet, // losing conditions

From these I can gather data specific to the event, then use the morality of the races involved, those races relative military might, and the galactic status at the time, and I should have enough information to generate an interesting and unique story for each game.

Other hopes for this feature would include creating an HTML version with generated screenshots, and integration with your online account so that it can be uploaded to the website and other players can read of your exploits.

Of course, at this point, I’ll just be happy to get the basic storytelling part working right And let me know If you see any major events that I forgot. I only used ones I ran into or ones I could think of while playing, but I definatly want to cover as many pivotal game events as possible by the time this is completed.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 04, 2006
In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade..."

LoL at the A-Team reference
on May 04, 2006
If major battles are won by conspicuous ships (I.e., the same battleship involved in fleets with multiple engagements), I think mention of that ship's name could be included in the story line:

"At the third battle of Tacitus, the TAS RESPLENDENT lead the Terran fleet to victory despite heavy losses. The RESPLENDENT then led a successful offensive against the Drengin at Sauron". Etc.

on May 04, 2006

Axel: Definatly. The event's will store data that can later be collected and used by the story generator to this effect. By counting how many times a ship has been in battle, we can tell different stories. If there's a ship that has fought in several substantial battles throughout the course of a war, the generator will sculpt the text around this ship's battles, making it, and it's adventures, a central part of the story.

Of course, easier said than done   But I pretty confident.

on May 04, 2006
I love saving replays of RTS games, but that would be boring as futz in a TBS. This would be the same level of coolness.
on May 04, 2006
Major upgrades of entire ship classes. Like when you upgrade all ships of a class to a more powerful weapon system.
on May 05, 2006
Having a story generated from my gameplay would encourage me to give better names to my planets and ships and encourage me to make sure specific ships survived etc.

Would be good if it could keep track of upgraded ships as if they are the same ship.

Narrowly beating another survery ship or colony ship or transport or constructor unit to a target or being narrowly beaten would be great. Basically monitor orders that need to be cancelled because something changed.

"The great HamStar Kahn's formidibal armada bore down on Drengi Controlled Primus II, even as peace negotiations were underway. Mere weeks before the bloody devastation, the fleet was stopped dead in it's tracks when the Drengi Government agree to donate their entire war chest of 30 trillion credits in echange for peace."

"The "Dawntredder 1", our first high speed colony ship, could see the Korx's own colony ships as just another point of light among the stars above "Tycho I" as work began on our first factory in the Tycho system. Our new colony, narrowly won, was crisined "IOWNZORED!!!" by the landing party."
on May 05, 2006
I think that this is a brilliant Idea...I must say I always look forward to Brad's gameplay stories. This really will add a whole new dimension to the game. Can't wait..........
on May 05, 2006
any chance this idea could be applied to in-game dialogue?

on May 05, 2006
I think that events should be "weighted" according to how much of an impact they made on the game, So a few skirmishes over the course over three years would be written pretty much like that, However the defeat of the orbital defence fleet around planet Kona should be a major.
on May 05, 2006
this would make a great impact i would love to see it
on May 05, 2006
My main worry is that the story would be totally wrong. Often while playing the game I will get the message;
Such and such is trying to get along with everyone, for example they are currently researching laser V/planetry invasion/blatanty not peaceful tech.

However if you could make an accurate report of what actually happened it would be great.
on May 05, 2006

Niarg; What's difficult in the game is determining what's going on as it happens. With all the data available, we should be able to properly tell an accurate story.

For example, sometimes the AI will get mad about me for a military buildup around one of their planets. Sometimes their right, but somtimes it's just a fleet that I forgot about and happend to park in their territory. By knowing wether or not those ships were actually used to invade their planets, I can properly tell the story as it happened, and not as we're calculating (or miscalulating) it's happening.

on May 05, 2006
You may want to add the special event that increases population growth. I find that changes a game now that the population growth is so low.
on May 05, 2006
This looks really cool.
Be sure to get all the different events in there, assasination, race changes morality, I-League, Fundamentalists etc. since they really add to the story.
on May 05, 2006
Wow! I wonder what other awsome things the expansion will have?
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